
looking to sell your RS Gold

If you're looking to sell your RS Gold, you may be feeling apprehensive. The market for 'cash for rs gold' is massive, and there's a huge range of places ready to hand over cash for your Diablo 3 Gold.

Whilst some rs gold merchants will give you a decent price for your rs gold, there's an equal number who are betting on the fact that you don't know how much your rs gold is worth, and you're desperate for cash. Let's take a look at how to find the best rs gold Buyers in Australia .
Step 1 : Work out how much your rs gold is worth in today's market.

If you're not sure exactly what kind of rs gold you have, this could be tricky. The purity of rs gold is Runescape Gold measured in Karats. 24 Karats indicates the highest level of purity in rs gold - near 100% (99.6% or above). Twelve (12) Karats is 50% pure rs gold, usually the lowest commonly found. Knowing how many 'karats' your rs gold is will help you know how much it's worth.

